31: Annie Schuessler Talks Money Rituals

Annie Schuessler is a business coach and the host of the podcast Rebel Therapist® Podcast. With her Rebel Therapist®Programs, she helps therapists, healers and coaches make an impact beyond a traditional private practice. You can find her resources at rebeltherapist.me.

Annie Schuessler is a business coach and the host of the podcast Rebel Therapist® Podcast. With her Rebel Therapist®Programs, she helps therapists, healers and coaches make an impact beyond a traditional private practice. She shares what thought she had to reframe about business to feel good about it, her money rituals, and how she practices financial gratitude.


  1. When to scale back. Annie spoke about this when it came to closing her therapy practice and focus on coaching other therapists. When it comes to money, we can apply this to going deep on one thing, instead of wide on a bunch of things.

  2. Mindset shifts: for her, it was “business is a necessary evil” to “micro-businesses help us create the world we want to see.” She talks about paying people and paying them well for their works as an important part of her business. When that comes to you and your money mindset, if you find yourself thinking things like ‘having money makes me a bad person,” or “money is the root of all evil,” try on a new mindset like, “I can be a good person and have money,” or “money affords me the ability to create a community that I love.”

  3. Money Rituals: Annie mentioned she doesn’t have a money ritual, but in re-listening to the interview, she actually does have a money ritual! She does Profit First 2x month, and “geeks out” on creating financial structure. This is a great thing to consider if you don’t yet have a money ritual. With my clients, I talk about money dates that I recommend doing on a regular basis, whether that’s monthly or quarterly.

Find more about Annie on her website or follow her on Instagram.

Resources mentioned: Kelly Diehls, Gieselle Allen, Profit First, Bari Tessler, The Art of Money


32: Family Money Stories with Josie Rosario


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