47: The Power of Financial Resilience with Therapist Marissa Esquibel



In today’s episode, Marissa Esquibel shares how a series of financial emergencies prompted her to get serious and intentional about her money and acknowledge her resilience. We also get into the importance of not comparing ourselves to others and setting intentions and creating action to cultivating a healthy relationship with money.

What is Financial Resilience?

Financial resilience is the ability to overcome a financial hardship or stressor. When something impacts your income or assets, financial resilience is what happens when you bounce back from that thing. According to a 2017 Pew study, Hispanic people, Black folks, and Millennials are very good at practicing financial resilience. Factors that can help with financial resilience are having an emergency fund, having a mindset of “I can survive this,” and fostering a healthy relationship with money.

Takeaways from Marissa

  1. What is your financial resilience? How can you pat yourself on the back for the things you’ve overcome? 

  2. Don’t take someone else’s journey at face value.  I love how Marissa shared she’s been in therapy for over 12 years and she talks about it a lot to normalize the journey of where she’s at.  We can’t know what’s happening behind the scenes financially. In this pod, we peel back the layers so you can get some insight, but this is kind of like the saying “don’t compare your first step to someone else’s 1000th step.”

  3. Combine mindset and action. Have your financial goals set out and create new mantras that work for you AND find ways to take aligned steps toward that goal.

Learn more about Marissa: Marissa Esquibel is a marriage and family therapist. With her practice located near Los Angeles, Marissa is on a one-woman mission to empower young women to stop playing small and to start taking up space. She works exclusively with young adults, 20-something’s, who are checking off all the boxes of “success,” and yet, they feel like failures internally. They often come to Marissa with struggles related to codependency, depression, and anxiety. In September of 2018, Marissa became licensed and opened-up shop to her virtual therapy practice in March 2020. She recently launched her podcast, “Codependummy” to help women stop people-pleasing and prioritize themselves. Follow her on Instagram or find her on her website.


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