Episodes 83-85: Podcast Rewind


It’s podcast rewind time! In honor of taking some time away to let my nervous system rest, I’m re-sharing some past podcast episodes. You might have missed them the first time around, or you, like me, might be excited for a re-listen if you’ve already heard them.

The first podcast rewind visits Shelby and Johnny, a married couple working toward a big financial goal. In this live coaching session, you’ll hear their current financial stressor, my suggestions for approaching their emotional and financial goal, and how they can add in some softness and gentleness to their goal setting. This is a great episode to listen to if you’ve been holding yourself to high and rigid standards around your financial goals. It’s also a good episode to listen to if you are curious about what emotionally focused financial coaching can look and feel like.

This next episode is a replay of a conversation with career wellness and enneagram coach, Jazmine Reed-Clark. Jazmine shares how the enneagram can teach us about our relationship with money, what motivates us and challenges us depending on our enneagram type, and why knowing our partner’s money type can be helpful. For those new to the enneagram, it’s a personality indicator that helps us understand our biggest fears and motivators in life.

Founder of the Rebel Therapist Podcast, Annie Schuessler joined the podcast to talk about her money rituals, paying more for good work, and making decisions about money in alignment with her values. This was such a supportive and warm episode, I’m happy to bring it back! The timing is also lovely, since it’s the time of year when many of us are thinking about our goals for the year and Annie covers how she makes her rituals feel good for her.


86: Am I Too Frugal? 6 Times It's Ok To Spend Money


82: It's Okay To Not Be An Entrepreneur