70: Money Astrology with Business Astrologer Leslie Tagorda


Money Astrology

What is money astrology? Astrology can be important when it comes to understanding our relationship with money. In our unique astrological charts, there are key things to look at that help us understand our money story. A natal chart is a map of where the planets and other luminaries are based on the time and place you were born. The sun sign considers which zodiac sign the sun was in at the time of our birth. Our moon sign is the “why” behind why we do things. Our rising sign is the sign that was rising on the Eastern horizon right as you were born. The rising sign is how others see you, or how you show up socially or outwardly. Money astrology looks at your rising and moon signs to help you think about how you are being paid. In money astrology, you can look to your rising sign to ask, “how am I showing up as a leader in the work I’m paid to do?” You moon sign can be a sign of two things in money astrology. Your mother wound and what you are deeply called to do to earn money.

Rising Signs and Money

Our rising sign impacts how others see us, of course, but when it comes to money, we want to look at how a rising sign does best when they are working in their leadership style. Learning about aligned leadership can come from looking at our rising sign’s archetype. When we are leading at work or in our business’ rising sign archetype, it can help us show up in alignment with our astrological design. For example, if you are a Scorpio rising (like me), deep transformation and being ok talking about uncomfortable things is important in the way you lead in your work.

Moon Signs and Money

In money astrology, looking at your moon sign is a key part of understanding what you need in the work that generates income for you. The moon is a fast-moving luminary, changing signs every few days. At the time of our birth, we look to which zodiac sign the moon was in to determine our “moon sign.” Leslie shared a brief breakdown of considerations needed to align your work with your moon sign for the most financial alignment.

  • Aries Moon: The need to be a pioneer or the best. Being paid for working in alignment with innovation.

  • Taurus Moon: Needs comfort and luxury. When it comes to money, Leslie recommends working on dialing down shame on spending on those items and investments that improve the Taurus moon’s desire for peace and beauty.

  • Gemini Moon: Need to be heard and understood. Success is being heard and understood. At work or in business, they need their peers, clients, and supervisors to understand them.

  • Cancer Moon: Need self-acceptance and emotional security. To improve their relationship with money, it’s best if they are working somewhere that allows them to express their sensitivity.

  • Leo Moon: Need to be creative, flamboyant, and adored. Leslie recommends that Leo Moons trust the process and lean into their voice.

  • Virgo Moon: Need to be healthy, organized, and uphold boundaries. At work, they need to be somewhere that can honor those parts of themself so they can be in alignment with how they are earning money.

  • Libra Moon: Relationships are a necessity. Partnering with others with similar values who respect you will help as you work on healing your money story.

  • Scorpio Moon: Deep emotional empathy. Embracing psychic gifts and utter “knowing.” Use this power to empower others for the best financial alignment.

  • Saggitarius Moon: Need freedom, exploration, and to be mobile in their own way. Seek out ways to have these needs of spontaneity honored at work and in business.

  • Capricorn Moon: Challenge and responsibility. For a Capricorn moon to be aligned with money, they need to have challenges they can solve and the autonomy to complete them.

  • Aquarius Moon: Innovative, need to be surrounded by groups and networks and friends to have the best financial outcomes.

  • Pisces Moon: Emotional intelligence is a key to success. In their work, they need to have the ability to feel compassion and unification.

Moon Sign Journaling Prompt

Leslie invites all of us to ask ourselves the question, “What have you accomplished despite the shadow side of your moon sign?” For example, as a Pisces moon, the shadow side can be not having strong boundaries or jumping into escapism when things get overwhelming (uhh, PBS drama binges, much?). For me, I might answer like “Despite struggling with escapism when things aren’t great in my financial life, I can strive for moments of connectedness and compassion. I can honor the parts of my work that have generated income from my ability to feel things deeply.”

Business Astrology by Leslie Tagorda

Leslie Tagorda (she/her) is a multiracial brand astrologer, designer, podcast host, and author. A Powerful Aquarian and Human Design Projector, she calls herself a Brand Navigator as she guides spiritual entrepreneurs, social impact makers, and visionaries to become the luminary leaders they are born to be using an innovative system of empowered brand and business astrology called The AstroBrand™ Framework.

Since 2004 she’s helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and social impact organizations clarify their brand so they can stop hiding and contribute their expertise in the world through their websites, social media, and brands. Leslie loves working with spiritual entrepreneurs and people who need extra guidance in how to speak about what they do. 

When Leslie’s not star-gazing and advising, she’s a professional classical clarinetist touring with her nationally recognized chamber ensemble or playing in the pits of groups like the San Francisco Ballet and the San Francisco Opera. 

Leslie’s Offers:

Written in the Stars - How To Read Your Natal Chart for Business - Learn how to create, direct and navigate your business using astrology in a way that is inclusive, empowering and 100% unique to you! This is a 5-day course (that I’ve taken and loved!)

Astrobrand Readings - Astrological guidance from Leslie to help you learn your unique brand positioning, communication keys, and leadership styles that magnetize your soul customer.

Books —

Star Powered Brand Book - Available on Website + Amazon

New Moon Rituals for Entrepreneurs - Available on Website + Amazon

  • Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Welcome, Leslie to the Mind Money Balance podcast. It's so fun to have you on. I've had the opportunity to be on your show. It feels good to kind of switch it up.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yes. Well, thank you for having me, Lindsay. I adore you and just loved chatting with you. So anytime, I was actually thinking, I need to have you back on my podcast very soon.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Of course, you know how to find me. So before we get into astrology and money, one thing I was thinking about before we hit record today was that I actually don't know your story in terms of how you got into astrology. So could you share with us the Cliff Notes version of how you ended up doing what you're doing?

    Leslie Tagorda

    Oh, gosh, yes. You know, I think it really started from the time I was like three or four years old, I loved everything science and the stars in the solar system. And I told my mom, I'm going to be--I'm going to study the stars when I grow up. And I had no idea what that meant and I just kind of fell into astrology and I grew up in Hawaii, and we were very superstitious, and we learned our Chinese sign. And then I found out that it was an Aquarius, all these things. And I went so far as like not understanding you could become an astrologer. So I actually doubled majored in astronomy, I was like, I'm gonna study the stars. But in reality, I needed all of these pieces, because there's such a big astronomy part In astrology, that after I've been running my design business for about 15 years and feeling like I was just getting stuck in this mode of like comparing and, and copying and design, because ultimately, we're like, just guessing. And until I looked at my astrology chart, and I was like, Hey, there is a business and a brand framework, right in our chart, we're now I don't have to guess and compare. And so I was able to bring astrology out of the closet and start like implementing it in a practical way. That's kind of that's kind of the the Cliff Notes version.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    I love that. And I just love how you have multifaceted interests. And at the same time, you've really honed in your business, to be in alignment with your strengths. So folks, obviously don't know that we've done an astro brand reading, where you read my chart, and helped me to get out of this cookie cutter, cut and paste, just do business this way. And everything will work out the right way mode by saying, Lindsay, this is what's in your chart, these are the people you're called to serve, this is the way you can show up in your messaging, and it was such a revelation and an affirmation for me that, you know, I felt like I was just like pushing a boulder uphill. And with those mindset shifts, it totally gave me permission to show up in the way that I'm best aligned and best supposed to show up. So I so appreciate you and all of your knowledge and what you bring into the world.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Oh, thank you, Lindsay. And I mean, I see that you take you extra credit you like you take it and you run with it. You implement it.

    Leslie Tagorda

    I have your book here too, just like you know, make sure that I've got your energy with me.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Oh, thank you, Lindsay. Yeah, I think that's like one of the things that I started like, bringing in astrology and branding or business because I'm looking at like, how can we show up as leaders? And especially of like folks of color, or mixed folks where we're always trying to fit in. And it's exhausting. Because there's this part of us that we we want to be this individual, Yet, we spend so much time trying to blend in that we forget what our unique strengths are. And then when we start to look back at our chart, we then remember who we really were supposed to be and how to reframe some of these energies into their highest potential and show up as our own unique leader that we're supposed to be. And, you know, coming back to in the very beginning, what you were saying about me with, like having all of these different backgrounds and experiences and then coming in and bringing everything together. I think no matter where we are in our career, we're switching things up. And we're bringing in our past experiences. And that also just adds to like how we do things so much more differently, and uniquely than anybody else, that there's just like no need to compare anymore.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yes, and I love that framework so much. It's it's not about looking at somebody else's follower count, or who has more trending blog posts. It's like none of that matters at the end of the day. It's about what feels best to us. And when we show up as our authentic selves in a way that feels authentic to us, which also might not be doing a million Instagram lives or creating a Facebook group or having a podcast right that might not be somebodies thing, and that's totally really find there's more than one way to do it. So I wanted you on today because obviously this is a money related podcast, I want to hear your take on how Astrology can be important when it comes to understanding our relationship with money.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Oh, yes, such a beautiful question. Because if we just kind of take the media or the systems kind of answer about money, it's like you need to have so much money to be successful. And that's not the case for a lot of us. And so when we look at an astrology chart, there's a number of pieces that we can put together that kind of create our money story. One of the primary things that I look at when we're looking at money is our moon sign. Because our moon sign tells us the.. the why we do things like the moon sign represents so many things in our chart. At the primary level, it represents kind of our relationship to our divine mother, or our caretaker. And so it's this nourishing, like am I--are my needs going to be taken care of? And so when we're an infant, and our relationship that we have with our primary caretaker, that actually informs the money stories that we have now. And it motivates us. And the reason why is if we were a child, and our needs are always being taken care of, we grow up believing that the world will take care of us. But if we have a moon that is a little bit more difficult, we grew up on our caretaker wasn't always there for us, we grew up thinking that the world is not available to us. And we, we start to build our lives in order to be sustained, like to sustain to nourish and to survive. And so those stories, they stay with us our entire lives. And once we become adults, we get--we're no longer beholden to a caretaker we live, we live our own lives. And so then we need to look at that story and say, like, what's really the truth here? Why am I motivated to do something? What does success mean to me? What does surviving mean to me, and all of these little stories they add up into why we do things or maybe not do things in our lives in our businesses, part of which to make money.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yeah, so it's a more again, just like you were talking about earlier, it's a more representative way to take a look at money outside of just to be successful, you need to have 10k months, you need to have six figure years, it's like those are easy buzzwords to throw around and I think a lot of people do because those are like emotionally charged words. But if we aren't tapping into how we recognize our money stories, what those older wounds are, that--it sounds like that Chase will be either unfulfilled, or it just won't feel satisfying, is that kind of what you're saying? If we chase these, these goals, but they aren't in alignment with our moon sign, we're going to be off?

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yeah, it's going to be it's going to feel out of alignment, like it's not going to be really satisfying, because you've met those people who make so much money, and they make more money and more money, and they're never satisfied, right. And then on the other hand, you'll meet somebody who's just really wise with their money they spend within their means they don't make a lot of money, but they're completely satisfied. And we can kind of look to the moon sign to say like, Oh, what is that underlying undercurrent that under that motivation that goes through? And so also with this idea of success, only looking a certain way, that doesn't fit anymore? Like that.. they get, you know, like, make your $10,000 month, but what about people's health and their rest and kind of a holistic? Because we're not here to just work. We're not here to just make money. And our moon sign informs so many, so many different stories on that level.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    So can we also look to our moon sign for the best way to rest?

    Leslie Tagorda

    Part of it, yeah. I like to look at our moon sign as like our why, like, why we are driven to do things, what we need in order to feel nourished. And so if we're thinking about our moon sign from this place of rest, if we're just looking at by the elements, so can I may I use you as an example?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin


    Leslie Tagorda

    So Lindsay has a Pisces moon and it's conjunct Jupiter, also in Pisces. So just like so expansive. It's like, when you're feeling like your emotional best when you're feeling you're feeling really interconnected. You're feeling like really, really spiritual. You're feeling really grounded and rooted into things and you love connecting and feeling empathetic, like that's part of what drives you. Your Moon is on Also on the fourth house in Pisces. And so for you success is really is being rooted, it's feeling at home, it's feeling in a safe space, it's feeling surrounded by like your family or those that you call family. And yes, making money is important you have it's, it's, yours is at the very, very bottom of your chart. But if that money is not sustaining your family and your home life, and it's like, what's that money for?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Totally, totally. Well, it gives me goosebumps because a couple of weekends ago, I did a vaccinated retreat with some of my friends. And we we pull tarot cards, and one of the cards that I pulled was essentially saying, what is the point of all of this, if you are not able to enjoy it, essentially, the card was saying your success is at what cost and so it was really encouraging me to dig into guess the the numbers, no matter how much money work I do, we often get caught up in the stories that society tells us we need to do. So it's it's this kind of constant redirection that I need, whether it's from astrology, or tarot, or whatever else is going on to say, hey, that might be somebody else's path. But that is not your path. So I really appreciate that. And you and I were talking offline that you were just in Hawaii, where you're from for a couple of weeks for vacation. How did you use your moon sign to like, rest and restore when you were there?

    Leslie Tagorda

    Oh, gosh, I am not a good example. I was not taking any of my medicine. My moon was not my, the needs of my moon were not met at all during this trip to Hawaii this last time. My moon is in Sagittarius. So my moon is like this very freedom loving moon sign, it needs a lot of space. I'm going on vacation, I went back to Hawaii, but I had a lot of family things to take care of. So there was just like a lot of work. And my son and my husband were with me 24 hours a day. And I love them very much. But me and my personal design, like I need a lot of alone like free space. So that was my story a little, that month was very challenging for me, even though I was in paradise.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    And, and that I really appreciate your transparency there too. Because that's the other thing that I see with, you know, I have a, I used to have a love dislike relationship with social media, but I think I can pretty confidently say now it's a love hate. I mean, they're there and I'm really loving it and I'm feeling energized. I'm like, fuck this, why am I doing this? It's a, it's a very black and white for me, it's no longer like tolerable. It's either all in or I'm not. But I really appreciate what you said, because there's so much noise out there about, you know, if you take that Instagram picture with your toes in the sand and you're like having the boomerang of the glasses clinking then you must have made it you must be restful, it must be relaxing. But we never see the full picture of what's going on behind the scene. So as you said, you had these moments of rest in paradise. And at the same time, because of your moon being where it's placed in Sagittarius. It wasn't as much freedom and expansiveness as you needed for your why. Before we shift into rising signs, I realized we never really covered what the heck a rising or a moon sign is. Could Could you tell us a little bit about what those things are?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yes, definitely. So if you don't already know what your natal chart is, your natal chart is the map of the sun and the moon and all of the stars are, they're really planets, in our solar system at, from the time and place that you were born. So knowing your birth time and knowing the place that you're born are very important to get your full reading. So you might already know your sun sign, which is based on your birthday. And you know what, you know, every 12 times a year, the sun goes through another sign. And that's your kind of stepping off point. Now, the moon was also in a different sign at the time that you were born. And the moon takes about two and a half days to go through each sign. So you have your moon sign and your sun sign. And those are your two luminaries and they're working together. And then the other big three, the third part of the big three is your rising sign. And that is a sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at that moment that you took your very first breath. Now there are not two people that have the exact same natal chart, even if they have a twin or triplet. All of you will have different charts because your rising sign moves minute to minute by degree and so it can really shift the whole thing and it's really beautiful. And I look at people's charts and they're always so powerful every time I see them. And so the Sun Moon and rising are your big three By really creating those foundational stepping stones of each of those energies, you can create a really full picture where all of the other planets and, how systems everything serves your big three.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yeah, it's so it's so interesting to hear you just talk about it because I think so many people, myself included before I met you, I only knew my sun sign, right? That's the sign you share with people at parties when they say, oh, what's your sign most of us go by our Sun sign. My sun sign as you know, Leslie, is Virgo and I identified with parts of it, but it didn't feel like it fully fit. And understanding my rising and my moon gave it more nuance and depth and made me go Oh, that makes so much more sense. So I would encourage listeners out there, if they had had a resistance to astrology based on their sun sign. That's like a very, very small sliver of your natal chart, which is what Leslie's talking about. So I highly recommend figuring out just like those big three, and it might feel really overwhelming. But what I have learned as I've learned more and more about astrology is it's like any kind of foreign language right? The more you hear it, the more you're surrounded by it, the more it starts to make sense, right to use to hear like for me, I used to hear Sun Moon and rising like, I don't know what you're talking about. But now I'm kind of like, Oh, like what, what? I'm learning about all the houses. Yeah. And about them asteroids. And you know, it's so fun. And because of you Leslie, I've incorporated Moon rituals into my business and life planning. So it's been such a fun way to check in on how things are going based on what's going on above us and around us.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yeah, see that, that just warms my heart because astrology isn't just like this. This spiritual tool like--

    Leslie Tagorda

    (Audio glitches)

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Okay, so I was saying that it's just for me, it's been super helpful to surround myself with other people who are kind of speaking the same language. Because at first, I felt really disjointed from what my chart was. But the more I've been around it, the more I learn.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yeah, so the other chart works in works as a whole. And, of course, I like to look at our chart from a business perspective and like leadership, how are we showing up in the world? What does success mean to us? Why are we doing things? What are our values, which we invest in all of those things, we can see that in our chart. And so the sun represents kind of like the what we do, it's just our, our genius, our Zona genius that just radiates. It's our strength. And so, you know, Lindsay, with your Virgo, in the 10th house, your Virgo sun, you're always wanting to make things more efficient. You're liking everything, all of the numbers to work perfectly, you're like, how can everything be compartmentalized? How can I diagnose this and make it more effective? Does that sound like your zone of genius?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yes, of course. It's one of those things where it's like such a blessing and a curse for anybody, like, regardless of your strengths, it's like, you know, it sounds so cheesy to be like, Oh, my, my greatest weakness is that I care too much, or I work too hard. But when it comes to like being your own boss, I find that boundaries are so hard for me. And I specifically made a conscious effort in the year 2021 to take more time off, because last year, I only took eight days off, because I kept telling myself, well, I have nothing else to do. I might as well work, right. And so this year, I specifically in Virgo fashion, went through my calendar in January, blocked off a day a month. So I at least had 12 like random days, and then also took a lot of vacation. So now I'm track for like, I think 22 days off. So I'm feeling good about that.

    Leslie Tagorda


    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    The other area that you had shared with me offline that impacts the way we relate to money is through our rising sign. So can you tell us a little bit more about how our rising sign impacts money?

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yeah, so our rising sign is our key indicator for our leadership style, and how we are meant to initiate how we're meant to show up how others really see us. And so when we step into that power, and it's a little bit of a stretch, sometimes I remember when I told you that you are a Scorpio rising, you're like, Well, I don't know. And so stretching into that leadership style and showing up in that way. That is one of our keys to success. Because the more of an aligned leader that we are instead of like if we think of like your traditional leader who is like the boss and making a lot of money, like thought is such a small segment. And unless you're like a Capricorn rising, or a Taurus rising, like those questions might not really serve you, or that kind of leadership style might not serve you. And so when we look at our leadership style, to know that, okay, Lindsay, as a Scorpio rising that, hey, I'm here to do like the deep transformation, like I'm not here to do like superficial work, like I'm here to talk about the deep things that helped me with upward mobility. Like that is how you take your aligned leadership. And how did that change for you, and you stepped into knowing that you are here to do some deep transformation, like work with your authentic power?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yeah, yeah.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Do you feel more successful?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    It totally shifted things. And it also made so much sense why I was resistant to certain types of noise in the online business space, like the noise about, you have to just have an online course that's the way to scale. That's the way to grow. And for me, knowing that online courses have a 92% no complete rate, as as a person who likes to do deep transformation, if I know that only 8% of the people getting their hands on my course are going to have deep transformation that feels way out of alignment for me, and it's not that I would say no to ever doing a course. But if I were to do one, I would need to do one in a way that I feel like I can get more than 8% of the amount of participants to completion and making sure that what they're having is a is a deep transformation. So again, it just makes so much sense why all of these things As much like I get cranky about the one size fits all personal finance noise, I get cranky about the one size fits all in the online business space.

    Leslie Tagorda

    And so when we look at our leadership, it's not just like how, like I look at it, how we're doing things, you're doing things from this space of like the Scorpio archetype of doing the deep transformation doing the, the emotional work, like Scorpio as a water sign is about, like really looking at the shadows and like really becoming friends with the shadows. And Scorpio can hold that kind of space to do that kind of deep transfer, transformative work. But that's only like the that's only the start about, like, how do we show up? And then we know what the Scorpio cycle every first step that Lindsay takes come from Scorpio as it is this satisfying my soul. Is this part of my healing work? Is this going to be authentic? Is this enabling me to use my trust and my true power, all of those are all Scorpio concepts that you are bringing into your business. Like, you're like, you're saying, like, here's my boundaries, I'm going to I'm going to take a break off of social media coming back soon, and you're trusting that when you come back, you're going to be whole, you're going to be rested, you're going to be complete, and your people will still be there waiting for you.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yes and it was it was less scary than I thought it would be. Probably because I've had enough time to really understand my makeup and my design. And also, you know, I do think I've been in business for a minute not to say you have to work hard or be in business for a long time to take a break. But I didn't start my business a month ago. And then I took a month off of social. Do you know what I mean? So there was a little bit of logistics there. But it was also a lot of trust. And in modeling for others, how I show up. And that was something really special about that time off, is that I received emails and DMs from people that were like included these little disclaimers that was like, I know you won't see this until such and such date, I just wanted to say thank you for modeling that you're allowed to take time off, or thank you for modeling the importance of rescheduling things. So it's been really powerful that just showing up as yourself is accessibility and visibility in a lot of ways, right showing people that there are different ways to do things and it doesn't have to be all the exact same is so so validating. So when it comes to, a lot of folks in my audience are therapists, helpers, healers, like what would you say to them when it comes to learning more about their business numbers or pricing that they can learn from? Utilizing the things that we've talked about today, the rising sign in the moon sign?

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yeah, gosh, business numbers and pricing. So definitely like with our moon sign, like looking at what success means to you, right? Do you want should I go through just kind of a keyword for each moon sign?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Well, thatwould be beautiful. Yes, yeah.

    Leslie Tagorda

    And so the so the first sign of the zodiac is Aries. And so if you have an Aries moon and you're, you know, maybe a woman or a marginalized person, or a mixed person, having an Aries Moon is one of those like a very difficult things because for most women, we've been told to not be loud, to not be the best, and not be so flashy and competitive, but if you have an Aries moon, you need to be the first, to be the most competitive, to be the pioneer, and to be able to claim that like I need to be the best like how liberating would that be for an Aries Moon totally. If you have a Taurus Moon, you know, there's these things about comfort and luxury and then you might feel ashamed about like plunking down like $500 on like, you know your favorite like handbag or anything but for a Taurus moon, that kind of need for luxury, there's a need for that for the Taurus moons. They, they want to feel comfy, they want to feel peaceful they want to be surrounded by beauty. And so looking at your money stories from this Taurus Moon of desiring to have money to take care of your own luxury. There's no shame in that when you know that that's a need of your Taurus Moon. If you have a Gemini moon, you need to be heard and understood. And that's what success is for you. And so imagine getting paid for being heard and understood and knowing that if somebody is not hearing or understanding you that they're probably not serving you. They you don't really need that person in your life or, you know, create your boundaries to say like, Hey, if you're not going to understand me, you're out. Cancer moons they need to feel, they need self acceptance. They need to feel that they have emotional security. They need to feel free to express their sensitivity and not hold it all in, which is, you know, for cancer, somebody who's a cancer moon, they're highly highly sensitive. And so using their compassion and their empathy, part of their success story just knowing that holding emotional space for cancer Moon is success. If you have Leo moon, you're here to be creative and flamboyant and bright and the center of attention and to just be adored. And similar to the other fire Moon, the Aries fire moon, that Leo fire moon, you know, probably if you are a little girl or as little child, someone told you like, hey, stop being so loud. But that's really what you're here to do is to be the center of attention and to trust in your creative process. And so for Virgo moons, where Lindsay has a Virgo sun, if you have a Virgo moon, your need to be healthy your need to be, I don't want to see perfect because there's no such thing as perfect, right of course, perfectly imperfect, you like having everything tidy you you need to have things organized and compartmentalize like that feels really grounding for you. If you have a Libra moon, relationships are a necessity for you. So partnering with people is really huge for you, committed relationships but making sure you're not bending over backwards for people and like losing yourself in relationship. If you have a Scorpio moon, you're probably have like some real psychic gift that you might have like pushed under the rug, because somebody told you it was dangerous. But I really urge you to look at your deep emotional empathy and that kind of that ability to just know you have just this utter knowing if you have this Scorpio moon and try not to use that power to manipulate but in or in--instead use that power to empower others to help them transform. If you have a Sagittarius moon like me, you need a lot of freedom you want to explore whether that's actually traveling or exploring in your mind, wherever you can be mobile in your own way. You have a Capricorn moon, you love a challenge and you love responsibility. This is one of the moons that I also see people getting caught up in because Capricorn moon, it's kind of like base level. That's the one that they love your traditional sense of success, like the--

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    This what you were talking about the Capricorn and the Taurus. Yeah, got it.

    Unknown Speaker

    But then ultimately, Capricorn, it's yes, it is about getting your ABCs and your credentials and your doctorate and things like that. But it's that challenge that you love. And if that doesn't speak to you, because I know a lot of people have Capricorn moon that doesn't always speak to them. It's like what do you need to be responsible, responsible about for yourself? That self responsibility is your key to success. Aquarius moons, you want to be innovative, you want to you need to be surrounded by like groups and networks and friends, you wish you could talk to every single person in the whole wide world. And then if you have a Pisces moon, like Lindsay, another one of those water moons where you're just that your emotional intelligence is just is such a key to your success and your ability to, to feel that compassion and to kind of unify the world with your, your emotional sense. It's so expansive.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Sometimes too expansive, is how it feels. You feel too deep, it can feel like too much. So having again, this validation is just like, Oh, yeah,

    Leslie Tagorda

    And that's the thing. It's really these all of these energies, they exist on a spectrum. And so like I talked about the the highest potential of these energies, but you can also go off the deep end. So to say, and that's why boundaries are so important. For if, especially if you're a lot of water and you have a lot of water. Yeah, water doesn't have boundaries, so you actually have to treat them.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    And that's why I'm so thankful to have that Virgo in me in that like, my, to your point, I had pretty horrific boundaries up until like, probably I started my my therapy program, right? And I like even learned the word and I was like, Wait, what you can say no to people? Like my mind was just blown. And now it's one of those things where because I have really firm boundaries, it's easier for me to flex them when needed versus try and create boundaries when there were never boundaries. Does that make sense?

    Leslie Tagorda

    Oh my gosh, yes. That's like your classic Moon story or because, like remember, the moon it also shows us kind of the places that we need to heal and the stories that we need to work through. And if you you know growing up, you didn't have any boundaries. But then where would you be today if you didn't have to learn those things?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yeah, good point. Oh, so interesting.

    Leslie Tagorda

    So those boundaries are they work for you as not only the wounds, but then the wisdom that comes from the wound.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yes, and I think that's so important the wisdom that comes from the wounds because often we, we kind of lick our wounds and hide and are ashamed or embarrassed of them. And it's not that we have to, you know, blast them out to our email list or tell everybody who we meet what our wounds are, it's simply acknowledging that they're part of us and that and that we can heal from them, you know, in therapy, they call it post traumatic growth. After you've gone through a traumatic experience, and you've healed from it. There are actually studies that show that your your capacity to kind of feel things in a deeper way has expanded. And while there, there can be the shadow side of that, where you can feel heavy things deeper, you can also experience joy and gratitude, literally more than you could before. So it's pretty fascinating.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Oo I love that post, post traumatic growth that, that's the perfect name for that.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin


    Leslie Tagorda

    And so when we're thinking, your original question about like money, like, so how do we price depending on our moon sign? So I wouldn't say that our moon sign is exactly one of our pricing tools. There are other pricing tools in our chart. But just from understanding your needs, from your moon sign, you can say, hey, is this, is this decision that I'm going to make for myself in my business or my practice going to satisfy the needs of my moon?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin


    Leslie Tagorda

    And if it does, that already puts you at an elevated emotional state that allows you to make decisions based on faith versus fear, which of course always comes back into your money story.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yes. And and thank you for that. Thank you for bringing us full circle and keeping us on track of how it is that understanding what our moon sign wants those the big why's? And how if we are creating offers that are out of alignment with our big why how the money likely will also be out of alignment. Yeah.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yeah and then with our rising sign, how that relates to our money with our leadership is like when people see us behaving in the way that they already see us these, like there's kind of the dots start to connect. And so our, our credibility starts to go up. And so when people see Lindsay like walking her talk, and trusting her own power and doing the heavy lifting, emotional lifting of transformation work, they're seeing your Scorpio rising, they're like, Ah, Lindsay is such an authentic, powerful leader. She's so credible. Let's talk about Lindsay, let's refer her to her friends. Oh, you need to listen to her podcast. And that's how that works out. So see if your Cancer rising and you're like, Well, I'm a I'm a great caretaker. Nobody values caretaking. So I'm going to put on the hat of another leadership, like archetype. But people are like, Well, I still see you as a really great caretaker. And when you're holding space and making everybody feel safe, just by holding space, then all of a sudden, you become that authentic leader and like, all right, cancer, cancer rising, let's pay you and see you and recognize you in your authentic leadership style.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    So I love I love that example, too. It's super helpful to see like, what does that actually look like and feel like in the business world. Yeah. Well, I know you and I could talk all day. And I'm really keeping my eye on the clock. Um, before we kind of wrap it up. Um, if you were to offer folks listening, like one piece of advice, when it comes to just getting in touch with their money story using astrology, what wisdom would you leave with them?

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yeah, I would look back to your moon sign and see if there's any, like, look up your moon sign and look up at that archetype. And look for the little stories that you learned about money when you were a child because we learn about money as a child and see how maybe the shadow side of the Moon really talks to that story. And then instead of running away from that story, or feeling shamed by that story, look at what you've learned what you've accomplished, despite that story. And if you feel that you haven't, well, maybe there's something that you need to work through to like how Lindsay did work through that the post traumatic growth like what it what do you need to learn from that story that it drives you now that you can use in your business now that adds to your experience?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    So beautifully said and we kind of danced around who you work with, but I think it'd be helpful for folks to understand the types of clients you like to work with and how you help them.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yes. Why I love to work with visionary entrepreneurs, generally they have a spirit like they're quite spiritual because they like astrology. But I particularly love working with people who just need that extra guidance and how to speak about what they do, where they just need extra guidance in terms of getting all of their strengths all mapped out so that they can really start walking on their highest potential and becoming the luminary leader they are born to be.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    And what specific ways do you do that? I know you have so many beautiful offerings. Could you share with us a few different ways you work with, you know, your visionary entrepreneurs?

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yes. So I have one on one sessions, which I love going deep with people and really diving into their chart, one on one sessions for my Astro brand method, it's just Astrobrand™ reading, by this, by the time I think this podcast comes out, I'll be offering a four week intensive so it's kind of a hybrid of pre recorded trainings, but a container where I have daily office hours and support, where you can dive into your sun, moon rising, and descendant to really position your brand and call in your ideal customers with ease and flow. No copying, no comparison. So that's a four week intensive that's coming up. It's called Star Powered Intensive.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Oh, beautiful. And I will plug Leslie's book. Again, she has two but this is the one that I want to tell you about which is the Star Powered Brand, which really takes people through the framework she uses using the Sun, Moon, and rising and how those show up in your business and in your brand. And you know, Leslie has a design background and it very much shows in the book. And it's not, I know I've thumbed through different astrology books and I put them down right away. I'm like, that's like way too, out there for me. You really do a beautiful job of breaking it down and making it super digestible and applicable. So I highly recommend that too.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Thank you, Lindsay.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Of course. And where can everybody find you?

    Leslie Tagorda

    Yeah, so on Instagram, I'm at NewMoonCreativeCO, NewMoonCreativeCO. and my website is NewMoonCreative.co.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yay, well, beautiful. Leslie, thank you so much for chatting with me today. It was such a treat.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Oh, thank you Lindsey for having me. I forgot one thing. I forgot to talk about my podcast, but that's um--

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    You can you can add it, go for it.

    Leslie Tagorda

    Okay, and one last thing before I forget. You can always catch me on my podcast, the Savvy Luminary. And you can listen on any, any of your favorite podcast players.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin


    Transcribed by https://otter.ai


71: Emotional Spending → 5 Tips to Control Impulse Spending


69: Marketing For Modern Therapists