Inside Out Success Story with Shari Loveday | BONUS Episode

Shari Loveday photographed behind text reading [Grow a Profitable] Inside Out Success Story with Shari Loveday

Shari Loveday is an alumna of Grow a Profitable Practice From the Inside Out, a 3-month group coaching program for private practice therapists. She shares why she joined, what takeaways she had, and how she implemented niching tips, pricing lessons, and money mindset.

Shari's Story

Before joining Inside Out, Shari was pastoring full time and had a private practice on the side. In her private practice, she shares that money guilt and shame got in the way of her running a sustainable practice. She had difficulty charging for sessions and adhering to financial and emotional boundaries. Shari learned about Inside Out through an article by Pollen Magazine by Simple Practice talking about therapists and money mindset. She shares that learning about money mindset was a “lightbulb moment” and she knew she needed to work on it to create a sustainable practice.

Inside Out Success

Shari was ready to take action in her private practice and joined Inside Out to get the tools and support in a group environment. While she had tangible outcomes like raising her fee, carving out a niche, and launching her therapist website, she shared that it was the emotional transformation that she found most meaningful. She said she learned to step into her confidence to set financial, scheduling, and emotional boundaries in her practice.

Like many people, before taking a step toward investing in their business, Shari was rightfully worried about the financial cost of joining Inside Out. She said once she looked at it as an investment instead of a cost, that helped to shift her mindset. Now that Shari is an alumna of the program, I wanted to learn if she was still happy with her investment. When I asked her if joining was worth it, she said, “The truth of the matter is, I would spend it again and again and again and again. I would invest in it again because of how it’s helped me personally and professionally.”

The truth of the matter is, I would spend it again and again and again and again. I would invest in it again because of how it’s helped me personally and professionally.

What She’s Working On Now

Three months is a good amount of time to get the foundations of marketing ready in private practice, and it's an ongoing process. Shari said that she's working on proactively marketing her practice. With a niche and semi-custom website, she's got the basics of marketing her practice down. Shari said that networking with other Maryland therapists, pastors, and allied professionals is on her to-do list.

Learn More About Shari

Shari Loveday, LGMFT is a relational therapist practicing in Maryland. Before becoming a therapist, she was a teacher for 17 years. After teaching, she transitioned into pastoring and writing. Now, she brings her passion for helping people heal their relationship so they can love well into the therapy room. Learn more and connect with Shari through her website.

Learn More About Inside Out

Grow a Profitable Practice From the Inside Out is the small group coaching program Shari joined. In the program, we'll spend time on money mindset (no spiritual bypassing or "manifesting only" nonsense here!), how to craft a fee that supports your financial needs, tips on adhering to pricing boundaries in your practice, and help with the foundations of marketing (and yes, you can skip dancing on Tik Tok!). This group is capped at 12 people. Learn more about the program and the application process here.

  • Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Thank you so much for agreeing to chat with me and other folks about your time during Inside Out. Before we do that, let's rewind back in time. Tell us a little bit about who you are and what was kind of going on in your world. And in your practice before we met back in April of 2021.

    Shari Loveday

    Yeah, so Well, thanks for having me. I'm really glad that I could chat with you a little bit. What was going on with me? Well, the only word I can think of is icky, like I felt really icky about making money in general. I was in ministry, so I was working as a pastor. And a lot of times when you're in ministry, you get messaging that you shouldn't make money. These are gifts that you get from God and as freely as you receive them, you give them. And so that's something that I kind of grew up with, in my religious setting. And so it doesn't, it doesn't really matter what I was doing. I always felt shame about making money. So years ago, I had a coaching business, and I made no money because every time I, you know, kind of booked a client, if they mentioned anything about hardship, I'd be like, Oh, it's okay. It's on me. And so I made $0 doing that.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    So you have a hobby, not a business. Okay. We've all been there.

    Shari Loveday

    Exactly. So I knew that when I was launching my practice, I was like, Okay, I got some really weird stuff going on, where money is concerned. And I knew that I was not going to be successful if I didn't do something. And so I was actually reading an article and it was an article you wrote, and I was like, Ooh, money mindset. I think that's my problem. And so I'm really grateful that I came across that because I just knew I wouldn't be successful if I didn't deal with that.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Well, I'm so glad you found that article. And the article you're referencing is something I wrote for Pollen by Simple Practice, they had reached out to me back at the end of 2020, saying, Lindsay, we like what you're doing, can you please like, share some tips and tricks for our therapist, entrepreneurs on money and money mindset and fee setting? And it was like, Oh, of course. So that makes me so happy that that's how you found me. And and what do you think it was about the program Grow a Profitable Practice From the Inside Out that spoke to you?

    Shari Loveday

    So the biggest thing was the money mindset piece, I knew that I needed to deal with that. Then also, because I was coming into private practice for the first time, I was like, I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how to build a profitable practice. And so I knew it needed to start with my money mindset, but I also knew I needed fee setting help. I knew that I just needed to put the bones of a practice together, and I needed guidance and help to be able to do that. But the thing that really, really spoke to me most was the money mindset. Honestly, I wanted to shed the shame, I wanted to be able to own my business, essentially, where I wasn't giving it away. That I could be comfortable in my own skin, in my own business, be confident, and you know, really go after being successful.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Yeah, and one thing that I found in watching you and working with you was how quickly you implemented, which I think for many therapists, we get this message about, you know, money is not something you're supposed to make in this field, you didn't choose this field, because money is important to you. So you have been on the cusp of changing your relationship with money when you came in. And it sounds like joining inside out, gave you the tools to change it. And I would love for you to share with folks like what specifically changed in your private practice during the course of the time of you in the program.

    Shari Loveday

    So one big thing. And it might seem little to someone else, but it's huge for me. Since being in Inside Out, I'd had two clients no show and I totally charged them my full fee. That is something I never would have done before. Like, Oh, it's okay. Oh, no worries. That's my policy. Matter of fact, I wouldn't have even made it my policy, I wouldn't have even made that my policy going in, I might have said, Oh, half of the fee is what my policy is, or Oh, it's okay, this time, like, I just wouldn't have done that. But the confidence that Inside Out gave me to have boundaries around my business, my time and my energy, to value myself. And what I bring to the table, for my clients. Inside Out gave me that confidence and that ability to not just see someone else's time is valuable, but to see my own time as valuable. So that's one of the big things but the fee setting honestly, after I read your article, I now started searching for you. So I think I found something else that you had done about fee setting. So like when I came in to Inside Out, when I tell you I was ready, I was like one foot off the cliff. And all I needed was someone to show me show me how so you know, I really came in like gangbusters, ready because I knew that this was what I needed. I knew that I needed this. And so I was like, Alright, let's go I came in with a very, very open mind. Because I was ready to do things differently. I find like it's a gift that I found you at the moment that I did and then I found this program at the moment that I did. You know, as therapists, we often talk about where our clients are on their continuum of change. Are they in the pre stage? Are they just thinking about it, I, I was ready, I was at the stage that was ready to make changes and just didn't know what they needed to be. And so this program, put in place the tools that I needed to make the changes that I was desperate for.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Well, you can see me because we're on video, I have tears in my eyes right now, because I wasn't obviously expected to hear that feedback. I watched you grow and I watched you take all of these huge steps, but hearing that the me giving some clear guidance and tools gave you the permission to step into your own confidence, and value your time, your energy and your expertise. And that, to me is more powerful than it's not what you're saying. It's not about charging the late fee or the no show fee. It's about what that represents and it's about adhering to boundaries and valuing yourself, not just as a therapist, but as a human. Right. Wow, I really, really appreciate you sharing that.

    Shari Loveday

    Yeah. And the other the other big thing that happened is I used to check my bank account every single day, multiple times a day because of anxiety. And the archetype Yeah, I just, I used to check it every single day. And now I just don't. And I'm okay, I'm it's not like I'm even restraining myself. I don't, because I don't feel that anxiety around my money anymore.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Oh, it's so powerful, right? These, these things that we are not taught in in so many different domains of our lives. You know, we're not taught it traditionally in school. We're certainly not taught it in grad school. I can't imagine you were taught it in the ministry when you were pastoring. And most of our households, we don't talk about it. So it's like, where do we turn. And I know I've shared this with you. But like, personally, when I turned to the personal finance experts, it was all about cut your budget, cut your spending, stop shopping, and I just didn't feel like that was the whole picture. So I appreciate you sharing kind of the depth of what's behind the outcomes that people see. So you were ready to go, you were ready to join inside out. And most of us have those lingering fears of like, well, maybe I'll wait are all joining when if you had to finish the sentence I almost didn't join inside out because... how would you finish it?

    Shari Loveday

    I almost didn't join inside out because the fee was scary to me. I really had to shift how I looked at that. I had to see it as investing in myself and my business. And once I saw it as that I was like let's go there's there's there's no amount I won't invest in myself my own confidence, stripping away shame and really coming into my own in my business and to have a successful business. But again, when your money mindset is off, you don't often look at things like an investment. And when you have anxiety about money you're like if money leaves, I'm in trouble. So I'm holding on to it, not realizing that you need to make investments in yourself and in your business to be successful. So, yeah, that would have that would have been the thing that would have stopped me. But I was like, No, I need this and I need to invest in myself.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    And that's a very realistic fear. Right? Money, as you know, is a very real barrier in many, many cases. And in this situation, what I heard you say, was that it wasn't a literal barrier, it was more of a mindset barrier.

    Shari Loveday

    Yep, yep. And the truth, the truth of the matter is I would spend it again and again, and again, and again, because of what? Yeah, everything is, is different for me. And essentially, that's what I sit in the therapy room with my clients to help them with to, to achieve self actualization, and to move into the best possible life. And so, for me, I would invest that again, and again, because of how it has helped me personally, as well as professionally with my business.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Wow, that is beyond powerful. I'm so so thankful that it felt not just good for you, but that you had big outcomes, right? That's, that's the key, because I have like many business owners, I've bought courses that have sat and gathered dust on the shelf, I've attended CE trainings that didn't really do much for me. So we all know what it's like to kind of be disappointed when you spend money on something, and it isn't what you expected. So I really appreciate you sharing that, because that's a very real fear. If I spend this money, will I get that return on investment? That's a real question. So I appreciate you sharing that. The other thing that we talked about Inside Out is not just money, but also some strategy stuff, things like niching, and the foundations of marketing. Tell us a little bit about some of those challenges as we moved into niching. And marketing, what came up for you in the program?

    Shari Loveday

    Yeah. So with niching, I was immediately, I immediately realized, Oh, you don't want a niche because you're scared, like you're scared to repel, maybe the clients that are not the best fit, again, because of anxiety around money. And you know, like, Okay, well, I need to see everyone so that I can so that I can make, you know, make the money that would keep my business going. But what's true is once I stripped that away, I was really able to clarify that my niche isn't what? And like, I couldn't see that before when I was just like, oh, no, I don't like I couldn't see it. And the moment I was able to strip away the fear of losing clients, losing money, I was then able to clarify exactly what I am passionate about, and exactly the ways in which I can benefit my clients. So that then when I'm working on my website, I can now speak to that clearly so that the people who need exactly what I do, it's like a siren call for them. Yeah, so I wasn't able to do that until I dealt with the fear. And that's really what I love about the Inside Out coaching program. It's not like you said, it's not just like a workshop or a CE, that kind of just, you know, maybe gives you tools or teaches you things. But it also dealt with some of the emotional things that I had going on. Because the truth of the matter is, we're not just business owners, we're humans with feelings and fears and thoughts and anxieties. And the fact that this program was practical in offering me tools, but then also dealt with some of the emotions and the fears and the different things I had going on. That's an explosive, explosive coupling that I feel is why it was so beneficial for me.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Oh, wow. Oh, I get I get chills talking to you. I love it. So what about the things you're still working on? Because that's another thing we talked about and Inside Out is it's not that you just do a money mindset, you know, meditation and then you're done and this stuff is ongoing. So what's something that you're still kind of tweaking or working on?

    Shari Loveday

    I am very much working on CEO day, being very intentional about that. I'm very much Still working on marketing. I am wanting to create a quiz and some somewhere down the road, I'm wanting to create a course. And so I am right now working on my quiz. I am also working on reaching out to other therapists and other adjacent professionals who might be able to refer. And so those are some of the marketing is a really big thing that I'm still working on.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Well, yeah, maybe we could put out the siren call for people who are in your state. So where do you practice?

    Shari Loveday

    So I practice in Maryland, and right now it is telehealth so I can see anyone that lives in the beautiful state of Maryland. And honestly, it's, you know, relational therapy. So I just look at it from a lens of Hey, what's going on in your world? And how is that impacting you? And how can we find solutions there for you to be your best self and to achieve self actualization?

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    And I love the tagline on your website. Do you mind sharing with us what your tagline is?

    Shari Loveday

    Yes, indeed experience the freedom to love well.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    oh, it's it's so good. And what I love is that you also took the template from Monica Hold Space Creative created the website template, and really made it your own on. I loved when I first saw it, seeing other sides of you, because you had photos of yourself up on stage out, in the world doing all these things. And that was something else I loved when I landed on that website was seeing you. Because so often on therapists websites, we see the same 10 stock photos again and again. So it was great seeing you and saying like, hey, on your about page, you share a little bit about your history and why loving well is so important to you and why you love helping people who are in that space. So where can people connect with you? How can they find you? Where should they go, if they want to learn more about you,

    Shari Loveday

    They can find me at And that's my website. They can learn all about me they can book a consult, or a mutual fit call there. I am getting ready to be on Instagram, but I'm not ready to launch that to the world yet. That's another thing I'm working on as a part of marketing. And so but that'll be LoveWellFamilyTherapy, that that'll be how you find me on Instagram as well. And so yeah, that's how you can find me.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    Oh, well. Shari loved it. Thank you so much for sharing with everyone your experience, you know that I am cheering you on. And for anybody listening who's a therapist or may be seeking therapy in the Maryland area, go check out her website, connect with her; a big piece of therapy and therapeutic connections is making sure we don't feel alone. So so go say hi.

    Shari Loveday

    Absolutely. Thank you so much. I just want to say again, this really was transformative for me. I'm so grateful that I found you when I did and that I found this program. So thank you so much for all that you pour in to help others. I really appreciate you.

    Lindsay Bryan-Podvin

    My pleasure. Thank you.


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