Money Shame Release Party

Join this Money Shame Release Party to let go of all the money shame that is holding you back from living your fearless, self-assured, money life. Research shows that acknowledging our shame helps alleviate it. In this guided journaling experience, you’ll release any lingering money shame on the next full moon, saying goodbye to money shame.

I’d love to hold space for you alongside others as we release any money shame.

Add your name to the list to be notified of the next release party!


It's a little woo to do a Shame Release Party on a Full Moon, but I promise you there's psychological evidence that when we verbalize our money shame out loud, it loses its power.

Here's how it works: I'll kick off the party by inviting everyone to introduce themselves. This helps to cultivate a sense of safety. Then, I'll offer some insight on *why* a full moon is the best time to let go of stories that aren’t serving you. To invite you to share, I'll start by sharing my most recent money shame story that has been keeping me stuck in living small. I'll invite you to journal on your money shame and share to release that shame and start moving toward healing.

Where: Zoom! Join from the comfort and safety of your home
When: TBD! The date/time info will be updated when a Release Party is scheduled!

This is a live session and will not be recorded or replayed to protect the privacy of all involved. Depending on how many people register, the session will last 75-90 minutes.

Each full moon has a different flavor, depending on where in the sky the full moon is happening. Whether it’s your first Full Moon Money Shame Release Party or you’ve attended before, each one is a bit different!

This is a pay-what-you-can session to make it accessible to most. These full moon parties are open to all adults. When you pay and register, you will be sent a Zoom link. Please do not share the link so we can keep the container intimate.


Hey! I'm Lindsay. 

I'm one of 50 financial therapists in the United States, and I help people get their minds and money in balance using shame-free financial psychology. I started hosting Full Moon Money Shame parties when I saw a need to process money shame in a safe, brave, and fun space. As I do my own decolonization work, turning toward the stars and moon has been healing and empowering. I’m thrilled to offer these parties throughout the year.